Sunday, December 4, 2016

As in life, so in baseball: the object is not earning money
The writer suggests that while WBC is a great idea, it is at best a nuisance, interrupting MLB’s spring training schedule, at worst a danger to players and heavily invested owners, both of whom could suffer financial losses as a result of player injury incurred during the WBC tournament. This seems to be a far too narrow view of the potential of life, in which we look at the amazing unfolding of reality through the pinhole of finance. The writer’s argument from caution could be extended to nearly any activity of daily life, every one of which has the potential to cause bodily injury - walking down the street, driving a car, playing ball with the neighborhood kids, working out at the gym, carrying garbage to the kerb, climbing a ladder to change a lightbulb - the list is endless. I’m sure not even one professional ball player wishes to live in a cocoon during the off-season. I’m also sure most professional ball players relish the challenge of pitting themselves against the world’s best. Many will also prize the opportunity to represent their country in an international forum. Those players fortunate enough to be nominated to the roster ought to take the chance while they have it. The WBC happens only every four years and by the time it rolls around again (if it rolls around again), today’s eligible players may no longer be able. They might even be dead. Life is meant to be lived. Go live it.


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