Monday, July 4, 2016

Japan Baseball Trip: More Tickets

Buffaloes online ticketing
Single tickets for Japan’s pro-league games are released in blocks, both to groups and across time.  Fan club members get first choice, and some weeks later, usually one to two months before game date, remaining tickets are released to the general public.

When I left off, I was waiting to purchase tickets for August games of the Eagles and Buffaloes. I was a bit worried about availability during holiday events, the Eagles during Sendai’s largest annual festival, Tanabata, and the Buffaloes on Yamanohi with last year’s champions and this year’s leading team, the Hawks.

As it turned out, there were plenty of seats available for both and the only inconvenience with the online order systems was being forced to input my name in kanji.  Foreign credit cards were not a problem.

I chose to print my own tickets.  The Buffaloes' system was somewhat easier;  the Eagles seemed especially cumbersome, requiring 1) entering a receipt number, 2) then on a succeeding page entering my email address, 3) checking my email for a link to a ticket, 4) saving the ticket as a pdf, then finally 5) printing the ticket.

All that’s left now is to get to the stadiums on the appointed dates, eight in all.


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